The conference will take place in the buildings of the Faculty of Physics (Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1) and of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3) on the northern campus of Göttingen University.
Opening & Award Ceremonies, Plenary Talks
The ceremonies and all plenary talks will be held in the main lecture room
- HS1 on the ground floor of the physics building.
Splinter Meetings & Satellite Events
Splinter meetings and satellite events will be held in the physics building and in the MPS building:
Physics building
- HS1 on the ground floor of the physics building
- HS2 on the ground floor of the physics building
- HS3 on the ground floor of the physics building
- HS4 on the ground floor of the physics building
- HS5 on the ground floor of the physics building
- SR17 on fifth floor of the physics building (Institute for Astrophysics)
MPS building
- A+B+C MPS on the ground floor of the MPS building
- D+E+F MPS on the ground floor of the MPS building
- Auditorium MPS on first floor of the MPS building
Coffee & Poster
- Foyer Physics on the ground floor of the physics building
Welcome Reception
The welcome reception will be held in the Adam-von-Trott Saal
- Alte Mensa, banquetting hall of the old mensa building of Göttingen University (Wilhelmsplatz 3)
Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will be held in the
Public Talk
The public talk will take place in lecture room
- ZHG009 of the central lecture building on the main campus (Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5)
Working Group History of Astronomy
The meeting of the working group history of Astronomy will be held in the
- Historische Sternwarte, Historical Observatory (Geismarlandstr. 11)
Directions to find your way to the observatory and of parking spaces in the vicinity are available here.