
Contributed Talk - Splinter Euclid

Wednesday, 20 September 2017, 15:15   (HS2)

Legacy Science with the Euclid Dataset

Joseph Mohr1,2,3
1Faculty of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich)
2Excellence Cluster Universe 3Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

The high angular resolution optical imaging from the Euclid VIS instrument, the deep near-infrared imaging in bands YJH together with the grism spectroscopy from the Euclid NISP instrument, and the associated ground based multiband optical imaging over 15000~deg2 comprise a unique and phenomenally rich dataset for studies of the Universe. In addition to the core cosmic shear and galaxy clustering cosmological experiments, there is a broad range of other science-- termed Legacy Science-- that will be made possible by the Euclid mission. These broad scientific interests are represented in a large number of science working groups to which you are welcome to contribute. I'll present some highlights of the planning for Euclid Legacy Science with focus on some aspects that are particularly relevant for our community here in Germany.